Video Pro Skin builder – HTML5, Youtube Videos WordPress Plugin

(2 customer reviews)


Video player skin generator pro plugin for WordPress. Allows you to embed video in your post or page using HTML5 with Flash fallback support for non-HTML5 browsers. Flash fallback for browser compatibility. Video player for WordPress. Tool to help you create your own Skin, it work for Youtube too. HTML5 video player embed MP4, M4V, OGG, Youtube, WebM, FLV Flash videos in your post or page using HTML5. HTML5 video pro will automatically find all Youtube url, iframe or embed and will add your own video skin you created with the help of the Video skin generator. NEW HTTP LIVE STREAMING HLS. Now play Live Stream video like (m3u8)


Video player skins generator. Embed MP4, M4V, OGG, Youtube, WebM, FLV Flash videos in your post or page using HTML5. Responsive HTML5 Video player. Choose from the templates skin or create your own with the skin generator. See the video.


Video player skin generator pro plugin for WordPress build on the Video.js HTML5 video player library. Now updated for Videojs 5.0+ with a more beautiful skins and a skin generator. Allows you to embed video in your post or page using HTML5 with Flash fallback support for non-HTML5 browsers. Flash fallback for browser compatibility. Video player for WordPress, built on the widely used Video.js HTML5 video player embed MP4, M4V, OGG, Youtube, WebM, FLV Flash videos in your post or page using HTML5. HTML5 video pro will automatically find all Youtube url, iframe or embed and will add your own video skin you created with the help of the Video skin generator. NEW HTTP LIVE STREAMING HLS. Now play Live Stream video link (m3u8) and send to Chromecast

Compatible with the WordPress core [video] shortcode and work with the WordPress insert media button.

Video Pro is based on Videojs. View for additional information.
Video Pro will automatically replace Youtube videos, your own videos url, video shortcodes or find videos in the HTML codes

Create your own video player skin with the Video player skins generator.
Use the videojs shortcode in your post or page using the following options.
Can use the WordPress default [video] shortcode.
Compatible with the old Videojs version.
Will automatically find all Youtube url, iframe or embed and skin them.

This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

Demo: (Twitter Skin – m3u8)
NEW Demo: HTTP LIVE STREAMING HLS. play Live Stream video link (m3u8)


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

Upload the videojs-html5-video-player-for-wordpress folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
Use the videojs shortcode in your post or page using the following options.

How to create your own HTML 5 video player skins

Video Shortcode Options


The location of the h.264/MP4 source for the video.

[videojs mp4=""]


The location of the Theora/Ogg source for the video.

[videojs ogg=""]


The location of the VP8/WebM source for the video.

[videojs webm=""]


The Youtube video URL.

[videojs youtube=""]


The location of the FLV/Flash source for the video.

[videojs flv=""]


The location of the HLS (m3u8) source for the video.

[videojs hls=""]


The location of the poster frame for the video.

[videojs poster=""]


The width of the video.

[videojs width="640"]


The height of the video.

videojs height="264"]


Start loading the video as soon as possible, before the user clicks play.
Use ‘auto’, ‘metadata’, or ‘none’. Auto will preload when the browser or device allows it. Metadata will load only the meta data of the video.

[videojs preload="auto"]


Start playing the video as soon as it’s ready. Use ‘true’ or ‘false’. (Can alse be ‘on’ or 1).

[videojs autoplay="true"]


Causes the video to start over as soon as it ends. Use ‘true’ or ‘false’.

[videojs loop="true"]


Use ‘false’ to hide the player controls.

[videojs controls="false"]


Use ‘true’ to initially mute video.

[videojs muted="true"]


Add a custom ID to your video player.

[videojs id="movie-id"]


Add a custom class to your player. Use full for floating the video player using ‘alignleft’ or ‘alignright’.

[videojs class="alignright"]


Text Tracks are a function of HTML5 video for providing time triggered text to the viewer. To use tracks use the [track] shortcode inside of the [video]

shortcode. You can set values for the kind, src, srclang, label, and default attributes. More information is available in the Video.js Documentation.

[videojs][track kind="captions" src="" srclang="en" label="English" default="true"][/videojs]

All Attributes Example

[videojs mp4="" ogg="" webm="" poster="" preload="auto" autoplay="true" width="640" height="264" id="movie-id" class="alignleft" controls="false" muted="true"][track kind="captions" src="" srclang="en" label="English" default="true"][/videojs]

Compatible with WordPress core video shortcode

In settings, check “Use the [video] shortcode?” enable all video shortcode to work

[videojs mp4=""]

Video.js Settings Screen

The values set here will be the default values for all videos, unless you specify differently in the shortcode. Uncheck “Use CDN hosted version?” if you want to use a self-hosted copy of Video.js instead of the CDN hosted version. Using the CDN hosted version is preferable in most situations.

If you are using a responsive WordPress theme, you may want to check the Responsive Video checkbox.